115 South Delaware Avenue
Mason City, Iowa 50401
P. 641.423.6349
F. 641.423.7514
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Ken Wind

Ken Wind


Ken Wind serves as project architect for many of Bergland + Cram’s projects as well as head specification writer. Ken’s interest in a variety of diverse project types has allowed the firm to expand its client base since he joined in 1996. His graphic and design skills help to communicate ideas with owners while his certification in LEED enhances the firm’s commitment to sustainable and energy efficient design.

Learn more about Ken here.

Contact Ken

Ideal outdoor conditions?
“74 degrees, sunny, calm, 30% humidity and reclined in the green grass in a park with a pond, some ducks, song birds, fluffy clouds and maybe a bottle of wine or a craft beer and a loved one to share it all with.”
What are you listening to in your car?
“On iPod, the prerelease master mix of Autumn Front’s first CD. My two son’s band.”
What made you decide to get into your profession?
“In a choice between Architecture and Automotive design, auto designers were still relegated to a Detroit in 1971 when I entered College. I love cars, but didn’t want to live in Detroit.”