Douglas Foreshoe

Doug has assisted on a majority of the firm’s larger projects since joining B+C in 2001. Recent commissions have allowed him to gain experience in civic, healthcare and wellness facilities. His aptitude for software and network support bring a level of technical precision and clarity to the firm’s construction documentation. Once projects are completed, Doug’s photography skills help to capture and record the firm’s body of work.
Contact Doug 
Ideal outdoor conditions?
“What do I care I’m outdoors. Any condition is good. 55 and windy on the Continental Divide, 45 and wet in the Boundry Waters, 90 and humid on a mountain bike, or 72 and breezy rappelling upside down over the edge of a cliff. I’m outside so it’s all good. ”
What are you listening to in your car?
“Puddle of Mudd”
What made you decide to get into your profession?
“CY Stephens Auditorium at Iowa State University”